VERY FINE DAY features weekly interviews with writers, creators, reporters, and internet explorers. Learn more about the people who keep the internet humming – and check out previous editions here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter, or just follow Brad. Subscribe now and never miss an edition.
After 55 weeks of new editions of Very Fine Day, I feel a certain kind of ashamed to tell you the streak is over.
We had a guest step out this week (not their fault, they have COVID) and then I just couldn’t find an overlapping time with others to make something work. The curse of basing this thing outta Australia.
I guess it’s somewhat wild that in over a year of this we haven’t had this situation come up, but also feels inevitable. I try to work out contingency plans and backups, but this time nothing came through. This, combined with wrapping the Quarter and planning for the next in my full-time job at VICE, and everything just sorta spiralled outta wack this week.
So, apologies. BUT! We already have some really good stuff booked in for next week. And, a reminder as always, that while we don’t take requests we certainly love suggestions. If you’ve got a friend / follow someone on twitter / want to hear more about how someone does their thing, send me an email (just reply to this one) or message me on Twitter and I’ll look at how we can make it happen.
I know that a bunch of you are fairly new subscribers. If you’re looking for a VFD fix I’d recommend checking out some of my personal faves:
Andrew Kimmel, on pioneering livestream broadcasting from major news events (I’m pretty sure he’s in Ukraine / Poland right now?)
Anna Merlan, on the truly American tradition of conspiracy.
Brandy Zadrozny, on fake news, QAnon, and the end of truth.
Ed Zitron, on what it means to be successful, the massive faults in media, and the curse of people management.
Finally, wanted to reach out to the millions of you at home with a note about our VFD intern and resident superstar, Regina. Regina is currently on the job hunt in the media / socials realm. They’re a killer and I’ll happily vouch. Let me know if you have something, or know someone who does.
I’ll see you next week - with a fresh edition of VFD.
See you down the road.