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Well, he did it. And that’s all I’ll say. No one is as tired and laboured by Elon Musk’s quests to martyr himself than me. Left without anything to achieve in our world, the man is checking in on what he can conquer online. Next up: space. Yes, we’ve been here before.
The nice news is that, as I write this, it appears Mr Musk is already restructuring and rehiring some of the 3000+ he laid off over the weekend. All’s fair in love, war, and capitalism. Those of you smarter and richer and more business-minded than me will know this play well. Cut once, cut deep… figure out the rest later. And that could mean the Very Next Day.
Multiple sources and Twitter Blind chats now saying that the company has begun to reach out to some people it laid off yesterday asking them to come back. Whoops! 🥴