Welcome to VFD Members Links #5. VFD relies on readers sharing us to grow audience. If you love VFD, please consider fwding this email with your friends / associates / enemies.
I am late to this. Through a few changing circumstances and work I have wound up in New Zealand, and will be here for the week. It is calm and small and all of the things people tell you it is. But I have only been here a day. As of last night, my hotel no longer has internet. These are things you cannot control. I try to stay calm. If you want to catch up, send me an email.
I am also considering writing more editions of VFD within the week. These would be smaller. Sounds tacky, VC-minded, and LinkedIn-adjacent, but the simplest way I can think of describing it is as a microblog. Maybe a paragraph here or there. Things I notice, thoughts I have. A small email from me to wake up to. Sometimes I have things I want to write in here that aren’t really all that complicated, and I feel would be selling the reader short to include as the VFD Weekly Edition. So this is my solution.
If you think this is a terrible idea, dear God! Let me know.