VFD #4 will be published on Tuesday, Feb 23, AEST. Our guest is Sara Yasin, Managing Editor of BuzzFeed News, formerly Director of News Curation. She knows what works online. It’s a great interview.
The fourth edition of Very Fine Day will go out next Tuesday. Our guest is @sarayasin: harassment, the internet, working for human rights orgs, and figuring out how to get people to care. Subscribe 👉 veryfineday.substack.com
A project that was scheduled for the later part of this year has been moved forward, largely because of Facebook pulling all Australian news off of its platform.
Introducing Very Fine Day’s latest publication: VFD AUSTRALIA.
It’s all the day’s news links (and nothing else).
Still a few stylistic things to iron through, but that’ll be clean by the morning.
I have also put a bit more detail into what it means to become a paid supporter of VFD. What you get, what I want to build… the works. Check it out here.